Be careful when you pick a topic!
Finals week is coming up in my computer science class. We have an open design project with a five page research paper on our design. There are some really interesting creative people...and then there is me. It seemed like nobody had a problem coming up with an invention. Of course I waited until the very last minute to come up with an idea for an invention. Finally the teacher said "give me your topic now" put on the spot I blurted out "I don't know, a potato lamp?"
One guy is making a 3-D holographic projector and I am over here working with a potato. I was proud to have finally come up with a project until I remembered that I have to write a 5 page research paper on it. Ummm, can I triple space it with five inch margins?
I came up with a great idea to use an led light bulb that has a Bluetooth speaker with flashing lights. This is going to be awesome! I bought the $50 light bulb. Once again, I guess I should have researched before I bought it. Turns out a potato only generates .8 to 1 watt. So do you think 40 potato's would work?
Procrastination - the action of delaying or postponing something. If there was a class on procrastination, I would get an A, but I would probably put off taking the class. The lesson here is that you should not only give yourself enough time to complete an assignment, but you should also take more time when picking the topic for that assignment.