Sunday, November 11, 2018

Blog Entry # 5

Political Rhetoric

Okay, so I read the article that was assigned, Ducey: Why Arizona needs more college grads, and I really didn’t have much to say other than “that sounds good.” Doug Ducey said he is excited to join a new community-led, statewide effort to improve educational attainment in Arizona. That sounds like a solid plan to me. I agree that we need increase college readiness in K-12 students. I knew that wouldn’t be an adequate blog, so I asked my mom for some input. Whatever you do, DO NOT ask a person in public education about their thoughts on Doug Ducey’s plan for “raising the bar” of education in Arizona. When she read the article, she said this is just political rhetoric, but she used a little more colorful language. She has been a teacher in a public-school district for over 20 years. She went off on a rant about Proposition 123 and some lawsuit between education and the state. She used terms like robbing Peter to pay Paul, whatever that means. I didn’t know what she what she was talking about, so I just sat there nodding and occasionally going m-hm. So, I guess what I learned is that you shouldn’t form an opinion based on one article.


  1. I felt that Arizona should have more college graduates but it should not be forced upon people because college is not for everyone.

  2. Pretty good new entries, Zane. You have some good topics and ideas, but you are still a bit too brief at times. Develop more. Keep digging both into content and your rhetorical approach. Don't forget about visual appeal as well.
