Thursday, November 1, 2018

Blog Entry #1

It's a Bloggers World

I recently wrote a blog about blogging. Since then, I have reviewed more blogs and my opinions of them have changed a little. I originally stated that I was most interested in informative blogs and less interested in personal ones. However, I have been reading some personal blogs that are on the humorous side. I enjoy these blogs because they give me a laugh. An example is the blog “Regarding deathbed regrets” on www.ThisIsIndexed.comThis blogger posts cards with Venn diagrams and line graphs to give a humorous look at topics. I like this blogger because the author appeals my inner math nerd.  

Another example is www.MyLifeisAverage blog. On this site people post short random thoughts.  Some of them are so boring... but that’s what makes them so funny.

Although I am interested in growing my financial portfolio, I don’t like reading blogs about how to grow your finances, because they have so much to read. I checked out the blog “The Start of the Month” by www.TheSimpleDolla. I am sure it had some very informative stuff in it, I just found myself skimming through because there was so much to read, and I just don’t really enjoy reading. I would rather watch a documentary or YouTube video. I like to read blogs that are short, simple and funny. Overall, I think blogs are a very good way for society to connect to each other. It is an open form of writing about any topic.  I can read about what’s at the bottom of the ocean to shoes that make my feet look fat. Blogs can make you laugh, cry, learn or maybe even rethink your life.

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